Anyone Hear The Rotor Blades?

I once had a teenage client that shared a great visual with me. "Have you ever been around a helicopter when it is flying really low and coming right at you from far away?"

I told him that I had.  My house sits on a direct flight path between The White House and a place called Mt. Weather, which is a sofisticated bunker used in case of a federal emergency.  It also houses FEMA, the emergency agency for the U.S.  After 9/11, there were probably 50-60 flights a day that would fly at tree top level over my house, shuttling officials between Washington and Mt. Weather.  

It's a very weird noise unless you are prepared for it.  At first, it sounds just like a regular helicopter: wump, wump, wump.  Then, as it gets closer, you don't just hear the sounds, you actually start feeling it.  I don't know the technical reasons, but the sound definitely becomes like shock waves.  Anywhere in the house you can feel it. If you are outside at the time, it kind of hurts.  Then it goes overhead and the pain subsides.

Anyway, back to the story. I told him, yes, I know exactly what he means.

It's that time of year, where we start the slow burn of anxiety about the school year beginning. Here's an article to keep in mind when your worries sky rocket and you just want to make sure everything gets done the right way the first time:

Helicopter Parents

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